Creating a festive and cozy mood for your Christmas Party


Creating a festive mood | Pretty Printables Ink

It’s easy to create a festive and cozy mood for all your guests at your Christmas party! There are a few simple things you can behind-the-scenes that will ensure guests have a comfortable time at your holiday soiree.

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Bring in extra coat racks, hangers and shoe racks

Purchase or borrow extra shoe racks so that shoes are kept out of the entryway for new guests that are arriving. An extra coat rack or two and extra hangers will ensure your closet doesn’t get too full and people can easily find their coats at the end of the night. And it avoids people tossing their coats all over the furniture or wherever they can find space, which makes your house look cluttered and also takes away from potential seating space for guests.

Make your bathroom extra hospitable

This may seem over the top, but trust me, your guests will notice. For starters, we suggest having a small scented candle, wax warmer or some sort of festive room spray available in your bathroom. Not only will it fill the air with festive smells, but it also will cover up any, um, unpleasant smells that guests may leave behind for the next person using the washroom.

Also, we suggest putting together a small toiletry basket in the washroom to go above and beyond to make your guests comfortable. Throw things like mini packets of Advil in there, tampons and sanitary napkins, small tubes of hand lotion, mouth wash, lint rollerantacid, deodorantperfume and cologne, dental floss, hairspray, bobby pins, and any other small extras you think of.

Finally, ensure there is a sufficient supply of extra toilet paper rolls on hand. The last thing you want is for someone to be stuck with only one square of toilet paper left!

Keep things comfortable temperature-wise

Turn down your thermostat and consider opening a window or two before guests arrive. Once your house is filled with guests, it will become very hot inside and make it uncomfortable.

Consider a light, festive scent to set the mood

Fill the air with a slight hint of festive scents. We like the idea of putting a pot of water on low on your stove and filling it with cinnamon sticks, cranberries, orange and eucalyptus for a natural, slightly-festive hint of Christmas smells throughout the house. If you know your guests well and know there aren’t any scent allergies, you can also consider burning some festive smelling candles or wax melts to create a warm atmosphere. Anything with a hint of cinnamon usually makes for a warm, home-like festive feeling.

Rearrange furniture in advance to create a great flowing space

Think about where you want your guests to move around, sit and mingle and arrange your furniture according. Putting extra chairs out in the living room? Move your couches, armchairs and other furniture to the perimeter of the room to open up space for extra chairs. Want people to stand and chat in the kitchen? Relocate your dining table chairs to another room and move the table up against a wall to create extra standing room and room for guests to move about and get food, drinks and snacks.

Get more holiday party planning tips here! 

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